Required lifestyle changes to get rid of Spiritual Disorders

While these required changes are not treatment, they can be the difference between someone staying untreated for years despite Ruqiah and someone getting treated in a few weeks or months. Some individuals may think that discussing these points is off-topic, however, they are too rooted in the Ruqyah therapy to be ignored. 

Remember, being a Muslim means submitting to Allah and obeying His commands, as affirmed by the declaration, “We listen and we obey.” This submission extends beyond the need for logical understanding, as reliance solely on logic is common among both believers and non-believers. True submission to Allah entails following His will, whether or not the reasoning behind it is clear.

Common pushback:
“I know people who do not follow any of this and they are perfectly fine.” It is the same as asking a smoker to quit smoking but they respond by saying that they know smokers who smoke more frequently, and for a longer time but they never developed cancer. Change your lifestyle, even if you think it does not harm you.

  1. Avoid listening to Music and songs as they attract Shaitan and distance angles. Additionally, tunes whether happy, sad, etc, disturb your emotional equilibrium and unbalance your natural mood.
    Allah challenged Shaitan in the Quran “And entice whomever of them you can with your voice” So what is the voice of Shaitan? Scholars said it is Music and singing.

    Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said: “There will be among my followers, folks who will act as if unwedded relationships, silk (for men), wine, and music, are Islamically permissible.” Authentic – Bukhari

    Prophet Muhammed said, “Two sounds are cursed in this life and the hereafter, tunes during bliss and scream during calamity” Authenticated by Albani

  2. Avoid being unclothed even within your home or when going to bed. jinn can see humans, whereas humans can’t see them. Jinn can become intrigued by excessive exposure to the human body. Say “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) when you are naked or changing your clothes. This obstructs their eyes from seeing your private areas. Jinn can develop an obsession with the human body for both females and males.
    Prophet Muhammed said, “A veil is placed between the eyes of Jinn and the private parts of the son of Adam by him saying Bismellah” (in the name of Allah) when entering the bathroom. “Authentic
    Prophet Muhammed said, “A veil is placed between the eyes of Jinn and the private parts of the son of Adam by him saying Bismellah (in the name of Allah) when changing his clothes.” Authentic

  3. Avoid allowing dogs into your home. This isn’t about being against dogs; rather, it’s about the principle that dogs simply cannot cohabit with you in the same residence.

    ♦ Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said “Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture” He meant the images of creatures that have souls.”

    Abu Huraira narrated: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Whoever keeps a dog, loses every day a Qirat (unit of measurement) of his rewarded good deeds, unless the dog is for guarding a farm or cattle, or for hunting.” Authentic in Bukhari

  4. It’s necessary to remove any statues of humans or animals from your home. Likewise, avoid displaying images and photos of animals, fish, or people, regardless of whether they are photographs, digitally created, or handcrafted. However, storing pictures of loved ones or cherished memories in a folder or drawer and viewing them from time to time is acceptable.

  5. Eat and drink with your right hand only and say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah” before you eat or drink because Sheitan eats along with you. This will weaken and starve the Shaitan and will make your treatment much faster.
    ♦ Prophet Muhammed, “When the name of Allah is not mentioned on food, Shaitan takes it as rightful for him.” Authentic in book of Muslim.

    ♦ Hudhaifah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

    When we attended a meal with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), we would not stretch forth our hands towards the food until he (ﷺ) would start eating first. Once, we were with him when a little girl rushed in as if someone was impelling her. She was about to lay her hand on the food when the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) caught her hand. Then a bedouin came in rushing as if someone were pushing him. He (ﷺ) caught his hand also and said, “Satan considers that food lawful for himself on which the Name of Allah is not mentioned. He (Satan) brought this girl to make the food lawful through her but I caught her hand. Then he brought the bedouin to make it lawful through him but I caught his hand too. By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, now Satan’s hand is in my grasp along with their hands.” Then he mentioned the Name of Allah and began to eat. Authentic in the book of Muslim

    ♦ The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was sitting while a man was eating food. That man did not mention the Name of Allah (before eating) till only a small piece of food was left. When he raised it to his mouth, he said: “Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu (in the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end).” Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) smiled at this and said, “Satan had been eating with him but when he mentioned the Name of Allah, Satan vomited all that was in its stomach.” [Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i].

  6. Suppress your yawing in the first place but if you fail, then cover your mouth with your hand firmly. Yawning is the easiest way for Shaitan to occupy the body as it enters through the mouth.
    Prophet Muhammed said, “If one of you yawns, He should cover his mouth firmly as Shaitan attempts to get in.” Authentic in Muslim 2995

    Narrated by Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Sneezing is from Allah, and yawning is from Shaitan. Therefore, when one of you yawns, he should cover his mouth with his hand. For when he says ‘Ah, Ah’ during a yawn, Shaitan inside his gutt laughs.” Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2746

  7. Enter your house with your right foot first; then say 2 things:1- Say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah)
    2- Say “Asslamu Alikum Wa Rahmatuallah Wa Barakatuh” (May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you).

    Say these words clearly and firmly even if you are walking into an empty place where no one is but you. This prevents Sheitan from getting inside along with you.

    Prophet Muhammed said, “When a man enters his house while making remembrance of Allah as he enters and as he eats, the Shaitan says (to his fellows) You can’t spend the night here and there is no dinner for you. But when he enters his house without making remembrance of Allah, The Shaitan says (to his fellows), you got a place to spend the night. If he does not make remembrance of Allah while eating, the Shaitan says (to his fellows) You have got a place to spend the night and dinner.” Authentic in the Book of Muslim

  8. Limit your exposure to unnecessary, unpleasant, and challenging experiences if you are inflicted with demons. For example, watching horror movies or engaging in a thrilling, potentially risky amusement park ride etc. Shaitan could easily capitalize on replaying these experiences during nightmares.

  9. Do not share with others or narrate your nightmares.
    ♦ Prophet  Muhammed said, “If any of you sees a dream that he likes, then it is from Allah, he should thank Allah for it and narrate it to others; but if he sees something else, i.e., a dream that he dislikes, then it is from Satan, he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil, and he should not speak to anybody about it. This will not make it harm him.” Authentic

  10. Before engaging in intimacy with your spouse: “May Allah shield us from Sheitan and ban the Sheitan from enjoying what You (Allah) have given us.” Bukhari

  11. Every time you feel hurt by Sheitan at night, get up, make Wudua, and pray 2 Rakae’s to Allah (Qyam) even when you were in the midst of your sleep. Nothing makes the Shaitan regret attacking you as much as doing this.

  12. Do not be a solo rider. Prophet Muhammed discouraged men from living or traveling alone. (of course applies to females as well).
    Loneliness causes worry, depression, doubts, insomnia, and doubtfulness. Over time Jinn will trigger psychological disorders that are followed by physical diseases. Shaitan will constantly feed the lonely person depressing thoughts. Empty and near empty houses become inhibited by Jinn.

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed also said, “The Shaitan is with the one who is alone, but he is further away from two. And no one of you should be alone with a woman for the Shaitan will be the third one present.” Authentic.

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed said, “A single rider is (accompanied by) Satan and two riders are (accompanied by) two Satans. Three Riders is a company of riders” Authentic.

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed said, “If people knew what is in loneliness as well as I do, no one would travel alone at night.” Authentic in Bukhari

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed said, “Shaitan is the wolf for Man like the wolf is for sheep. It takes the sheep that is far and wide, so beware of isolation, and seek congregations, the community, and the Masjid .” Narrated by Ahmed

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed said, “Minimize your outings when foot traffic becomes light as Allah has other creations that he disperses at night.” Authentic

  13. Never go to sleep laying down on your stomach. Start laying down on your right side and then change your position to your comfort but not on your stomach.

  14. Clean yourself well after using the bathroom, and use a water bidet, when possible. No residue of urine or waste should be in your clothes as urine residue voids the prayers and attracts Shaitan. Allah says in the Quran “And purify your clothes”
    ♦ Ibn Abbas said that Prophet Muhammed passed by 2 graves and said “They are being tortured for something they could have avoided. One of them did not clean himself after urinating and the other one spread gossip.” Authentic in Bukhari

  15. Take honey, apple cider vinegar, ginger, dates, olive oil, and black seed oil consistently. Additionally, Take Indian Costus and Senna tablets. They are effective in voiding the work of Shaitan inside the body.

  16. Apply dark Musk and Oud oil scents, these scents are hated by Sheitan.

  17. Keep your surroundings organized, clean, and smelling good. Angels refrain from visiting dirty-smelling places while Sheitan gets attracted to such places.

  18. Take cold showers when you feel afflicted by the Sheitan.

  19. Do not practice intimacy or engage your privates (masturbation) in the bathroom, at all.Prophet Muhammed said: “These bathrooms are frequented by the devils. So when anyone amongst you goes there, he should say: “I seek refuge in Allah against male and female devils.” Authentic

  20. Do not throw heavy items or hot water suddenly anywhere unless you say first “BismAllah” (in the name of Allah) as this phrase alerts Jinn (beings) in the area to avoid being harmed by you. Therefore, you avoid their retaliation.

  21. Do not sing in the bathroom or talk unless it is a necessity. Always close the bathroom door after using it. Do not check your cell phone in the bathroom. This is not the best place to check Facebook, email, or the news, as it prolongs your stay and the content you view may contain pictures of humans or animals, or music, all of which attract Shaitan. Bathrooms are the preferred rooms for Sheitan and Jinn in the house.

  22. When you get negative thoughts, Say “I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Sheitan” and then spit on your left side 3 times.

  23. Make Wudua every time you lose your Wudua status. Wudua is one of the most effective methods of protecting you and curing you from the harm of Jinn and Sheitan. If you would only know how powerful Wudua is.
    Make sure to go to bed in a state of Wudua even if you lose your Wudua soon after.

    ♦ Prophet Muhammed said, “Whenever you go to sleep, make Wudua, as you do before prayers, then lie down on your right side.” Authentic

  24. Do not leave your food or drink uncovered. Shut closed your doors and windows when you go to sleep.
    Prophet Muhammed said: “Cover up your food-filled dishes, cover your drink-filled cups, close your doors, and put out open flames. Sheitan cannot uncover your cups, open a closed door, or uncover a dish. If you can’t find a cover, then at least cover it with the like of a wooden stick while saying Bismillah (in the name of Allah)”

  25. Download an Athan application on your cell phone, so you do not miss listening.♦ Prophet Muhammed said “When the Athan (call of Muslim prayer) is called, the shaytan flees while breaking wind, When the Athan is over, it comes back. When the Iqamah (announcing the beginning of prayers) is called, it flees. When the Iqamah is over, it comes back again. It then whispers in one’s heart, “Remember this, remember that”, things that were not in his mind, to the point that a man would not know what he prayed.”

  26. Never indulge in watching porn or porn-like media. This is more important than one could ever think. Porn weakens us spiritually as it is the most inviting to Shaitan and Jinn.
    Prophet Muhammed said, “Allah has decreed for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at what should not be exposed), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is foil), and the inner self wishes and longs for (sins) and the private parts turn this into reality or abstain.” Authentic in Bukhari

  27. Realize that social media can destroy your life. Do not share every happy moment on Facebook. Do not live in a glass house. Despite the likes and the happy comments, some people get jealous inside and harm others via Hasad and the evil eye.

  28. Do not over-stare yourself in the mirror or through selfies for extended times. This is a prevalent habit for young females. They develop an addiction to staring at themselves habitually. Jinn sees you and takes notice of your self-admiration and starts to admire you. They then enter the body and dreams of being sexually abused occur and last a lifetime.

  29. For females, be quick to shower right after your menstrual cycle ends. Delays in purifying yourself after the end of your period make you an easy target for Shaitan.

  30. Both husband and wife should shower immediately after intimacy. If one is tired or sleepy, then the Sunnah teaches us to make Wudua first before going to sleep even though we did not shower. When you get up shower immediately.

  31. Certain states of mind can open the body for the Shaitan to enter like exaggerated fear, exaggerated anger, and exaggerated jealousy. Keep yourself emotionally balanced. (Movies, TV, and songs put you in an emotional disequilibrium)

  32. While we do not know why, patients covered at night in bed during sleep time tend to have better and deeper sleep with fewer attacks from Shaitan.

  33. Fasting weakens and reduces the physical effect of Shaitan/ Jinn on the body.

  34. Do not curse or swear when bad things happen. Either say (In the name of Allah) “Bismillah” or (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaitan) “A-aothu Billah Min Alshaitan Alrajim”.
    A man narrated, “I was riding behind the prophet. The ride stumbled. So I said: May the devil perish! He said: Do not say; May the devil perish! Because when you say that, he will magnify itself so much that he will be like a house, and Shaitan will say: I had the power to do that. But rather say: In the name of Allah; for when you say that, he will diminish so much that he will be like a fly.” Authenticated by Al-Albani.

  35. Avoid Period Sex. it is forbidden. Something about blood in general and blood of menstruation attracts Shaitan.

    Allah says in Quran in Surat Al-Baqarah, verse 222:
    And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”)

  36. This Hadith summarizes personal hygiene requirements.
    ♦ The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “There are five acts that conform to pure nature: Circumcision (not optional for males), shaving the pubic hair, clipping the nails, plucking the underarm hair, and trimming the mustache.” Authentic in Bukhari and Muslim

    Anas bin Malik said: A time limit was set for us (by the Prophet) regarding trimming the mustache, shaving the pubic hairs, plucking the armpit hairs, and clipping the nails. We were not to leave that for more than forty days.Authentic in the Book of Muslim

  37. Build relationships with everyone but be friends only with good people. The sad reality is that most people impacted by Evil Eye or Evil Magic are in the patient’s inner circle of relationships.
    Prophet Muhammed said, “Do not accompany anyone but a believer and do not eat together with someone except with a pious person.” Authentic